name.synonym = AI3-26110; Acetic acid, nickel(2 ) salt; CCRIS 6206; EINECS 239-086-1; HSDB 1029; LS-7541; NSC 112210; Nickel (II) acetate; Nickel acetate; Nickel acetate [Nickel and nickel compounds]; Nickel di(acetate); Nickel diacetate; Nickel(2 ) acetate; Nickel(II) filter.purchasability = all page.num = 1
SELECT DISTINCT(ci.sub_id_fk) AS sub_id FROM catalog_item AS ci INNER JOIN catalog AS c ON ci.cat_id_fk=c.cat_id INNER JOIN synonym AS syn ON (ci.cat_id_fk=syn.cat_fk AND ci.supplier_code=syn.supplier_code) INNER JOIN field AS f ON syn.field_fk=f.field_id WHERE = 1 AND syn.synonym IS NOT NULL AND syn.synonym LIKE 'AI3-26110; Acetic acid, nickel(2 ) salt; CCRIS 6206; EINECS 239-086-1; HSDB 1029; LS-7541; NSC 112210; Nickel (II) acetate; Nickel acetate; Nickel acetate [Nickel and nickel compounds]; Nickel di(acetate); Nickel diacetate; Nickel(2 ) acetate; Nickel(II)' AND f.ftype IN (3,7,11,12,14) AND ci.sub_id_fk IN (SELECT ci.sub_id_fk AS sub_id FROM catalog_item AS ci INNER JOIN catalog AS c ON ci.cat_id_fk=c.cat_id WHERE = 1 ) LIMIT 50